Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 7).djvu/280

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Mrs. Alving.

[Rising slowly.] The sins of the fathers——!


I very nearly struck him in the face——

Mrs. Alving.

[Walks away across the room.] The sins of the fathers——


[Smiles sadly.] Yes; what do you think of that? Of course I assured him that such a thing was out of the question. But do you think he gave in? No, he stuck to it; and it was only when I produced your letters and translated the passages relating to father——

Mrs. Alving.

But then——?


Then of course he had to admit that he was on the wrong track; and so I learned the truth—the incomprehensible truth! I ought not to have taken part with my comrades in that light-*hearted, glorious life of theirs. It had been too much for my strength. So I had brought it upon myself!

Mrs. Alving.

Oswald! No, no; do not believe it!


No other explanation was possible, he said. That's the awful part of it. Incurably ruined for life—by my own heedlessness! All that I meant