Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 7).djvu/130

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He's going. He's not putting the letter into the box. No, no, it would be impossible! [Opens the door further and further.] What's that. He's standing still; not going down stairs. Has he changed his mind? Is he——? [A letter falls into the box. Krogstad's footsteps are heard gradually receding down the stair. Nora utters a suppressed shriek, and rushes forward towards the sofa-table; pause.} In the letter-box! [Slips shrinkingly up to the hall door.] There it lies.—Torvald, Torvald—now we are lost!

Mrs. Linden enters from the left with the costume.

Mrs. Linden.

There, I think it's all right now. Shall we just try it on?


[Hoarsely and softly.] Christina, come here.

Mrs. Linden.

[Throws down the dress on the sofa.] What's the matter? You look quite distracted.


Come here. Do you see that letter? There, see—through the glass of the letter-box.

Mrs. Linden.

Yes, yes, I see it.


That latter is from Krogstad——

Mrs. Linden.

Nora—it was Krogstad who lent you the money?