Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 11).djvu/434

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Professor Rubek.

And what shall we do then, Maia—if it does not work?


[Untroubled.] Then we two will simply get out of each other's way—part entirely. I shall always find something new for myself, somewhere in the world. Something free! Free! Free!—No need to be anxious about that, Professor Rubek! [Suddenly points off to the right.] Look there! There we have her.

Professor Rubek.

[Turning.] Where?


Out on the plain. Striding—like a marble statue. She is coming this way.

Professor Rubek.

[Stands gazing with his hand over his eyes.] Does not she look like the Resurrection incarnate? [To himself.] And her I could displace—and move into the shade! Remodel her—. Fool that I was!


What do you mean by that?

Professor Rubek.

[Putting the question aside.] Nothing. Nothing that you would understand.