Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 11).djvu/396

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Professor Rubek.

[Hastening to pass the subject by.] And then you have married, too?


Yes; I married one of them.

Professor Rubek.

Who is your husband?


He was a South American. A distinguished diplomatist. [Looks straight in front of her with a stony smile.] Him I managed to drive quite out of his mind; mad—incurably mad; inexorably mad.—It was great sport, I can tell you—while it was in the doing. I could have laughed within me all the time—if I had anything within me.

Professor Rubek.

And where is he now?


Oh, in a churchyard somewhere or other. With a fine handsome monument over him. And with a bullet rattling in his skull.

Professor Rubek.

Did he kill himself?


Yes, he was good enough to take that off my hands.