Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 11).djvu/365

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Professor Rubek.

[Changing the subject.] Do you know how it affects me when I look at the life of the people around us here?


No. Tell me.

Professor Rubek.

It makes me think of that night we spent in the train, when we were coming up here——


Why, you were sound asleep all the time.

Professor Rubek.

Not quite. I noticed how silent it became at all the little roadside stations. I <g>heard</g> the silence—like you, Maia——


H'm,—like me, yes.

Professor Rubek.

—and that assured me that we had crossed the frontier—that we were really at home. For the train stopped at all the little stations—although there was nothing doing at all.


Then why did it stop—though there was nothing to be done?