Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 11).djvu/280

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soil, and the rocks, and the forests, and the sea—I wanted to gather it all into my hands, to make myself master of it all, and so to promote the well-being of many, many thousands.

Ella Rentheim.

[Lost in recollection.] I know it. Think of all the evenings we spent in talking over your projects.


Yes, I could talk to you, Ella.

Ella Rentheim.

I jested with your plans, and asked whether you wanted to awaken all the sleeping spirits of the mine.


[Nodding.] I remember that phrase. [Slowly.] All the sleeping spirits of the mine.

Ella Rentheim.

But you did not take it as a jest. You said: "Yes, yes, Ella, that is just what I want to do."


And so it was. If only I could get my foot into the stirrup—— And that depended on that one man. He could and would secure me the control of the bank—if I on my side——

Ella Rentheim.

Yes, just so! If you on your side would renounce the woman you loved—and who loved you beyond words in return.