Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 11).djvu/222

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Wilton is a strikingly handsome, well-developed woman in the thirties. Broad, red, smiling lips, sparkling eyes. Luxuriant dark hair.

Mrs. Wilton.

Good evening, my dearest Mrs. Borkman!

Mrs. Borkman.

[Rather drily.] Good evening, Mrs. Wilton. [To The Maid, pointing toward the garden-room.] Take out the lamp that is in there and light it.

[The Maid takes the lamp and goes out with it.

Mrs. Wilton.

[Observing Ella Rentheim.] Oh, I beg your pardon—you have a visitor. Mrs. Borkman. Only my sister, who has just arrived from—— [Erhart Borkman flings the half-open door wide open and rushes in. He is a young man with bright cheerful eyes. He is well dressed; his moustache is beginning to grow.


[Radiant with joy; on the threshold.] What is this! Is Aunt Ella here? [Rushing up to her, and seizing her hands.] Aunt, aunt! Is it possible? Are you here?