Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 3).djvu/88

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I stood and watched him from my nook,
Saw how his two hands clasp'd the Book;
I marvell'd why he slept so long,
Mark'd his thin wrists, and smelt the strong
Odour of linen newly dried;—
And then I heard a step outside;—
A woman enter'd, strode apace
Up to the bed, nor saw my face.
Then she began to grope and pry;
First put the corpse's vesture by,
Drew forth a bundle, then a store,
Counted, and whisper'd: There is more!
Then, grubbing deeper in the ground,
Clutch'd a seal'd packet tightly bound,
With trembling fingers strove and tore,
Bit it in two, groped deeper, found,
Counted, and whisper'd; There is more!
She cried, she cursed, she wail'd, she wept,
She scented where the treasure lay,
And then with eager anguish swept
Down like a falcon on her prey.
When she had ransacked all the room,
She turn'd, like one who hears her doom,
Wrapp'd up her booty in a shawl,
And faintly groan'd: So <g>that</g> was all!

His Mother.

I needed much, I little won;
And very dearly was it bought.


Even more dearly than you thought;
Son's-heart you shattered in your son.

His Mother.

Tut, tut. To barter hearts for gold