Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 3).djvu/263

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The Mayor.


That was, I need not say, a lie.

The Dean.

Really, a lie?

The Mayor.

               I just let loose
At the first fancy that came by;
Is it a sin such means to use
In such a cause?

The Dean.

                 God bless me, no
Need is an adequate excuse.

The Mayor.

And then, to-morrow, when the glow
Of agitation's dead, or dying,
What will it matter if the end
Was gain'd by telling truth, or lying?

The Dean.

I am no formalist, my friend.

[Looks up into the wild.]

But is't not Brand that yonder drags
His slow course upward?

The Mayor.

                        Ay, you're right!
A lonely warrior off to fight!

The Dean.

Nay, there's another too—that lags
Far in the rear!