Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/88

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yf ye hadde fallen in to the folye and fowle playsyre where ye had set youre herte in, ye had ben vtterly loste and perysshed, wher- fore ye ought to gyue grete thankyng & seruyse to god, that he hath vouchedsauf to shewe yow youre errour. Now ought ye from hens forth to kepe yow from fallynge in suche perylle as for to lose all honoure and youre sowle, and not to haue plaisire to loue none so moche as youre lord youre husbond, to whome ye haue promysed feith and trouthe, and ye ought not to chaunge for better ne werse. And yf she chaunge and loue another, than she lyeth and periured her feithe and trouthe. Now haue ye here, god be thanked, a faire myroure all lyke as the wyse man shewed yow the aduysyon." And thus he confessid and taugt her the best wyse he couthe. & the lady wexed al hole, and thanked god and lefte all her folysshe plaisaunce. Thenne it happed aboute half yere after, that the squyer that loued her peramours, cam froin a vyage and from an armee where he had ben, and cam to her queynt and Jolye, and began to bourde and jape and speke suche langage as he had to fore other tymes vsed. And he fonde her all straunge. Thenne was he all abasshed and admerueyled, and demaunded her and said, “Madame, at what playe haue I lost the good tyme, the lyf, and the hope that I haue had to lyue with you joiously?" And she answered to hym that all that tyme was passid. “For neuer as long as I lyue," sayd she, " i purpose to loue ne haue plaisaunce with none, sauf with my lord my husbonde." And thenne she told to hyin the aduenture that happed her in the chirch. And he thought and supposed wel to haue torned her, but he myght not.' And when he sawe that she was ferme and constaunt, he lefte her, and after sayd and tolde to many other the constance and stedfastnes of her, whereof he moche preysed and honoured her the more. And therfore here is a good Ensample how me ought not to go to hooly pylgremages for no foolysshe playsaunces, but only for the dyuyne seruyse and for the loue of god, and how good it is for to 78