Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/150

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her, good renomme and honour, and to falle in synne; and shame kepte her fro euylle and dishonest repreef. Wherfore, my fayre and dere doughters, I praye yow that ye maye take her good Ensample that ye ne ansuere to your lord, but in tyme and place conuenyent, and by fayr wordes, as dyd the good quene hester, as ye tofore haue herd, and also as the same, the whiche sayd to her damoysels that her herte was in the loue and in the pryson of her lord, and that therfore she myght, doo but after his playsyr, lyuynge in pees.