Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 5 (1901).djvu/546

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Biological Suggestions. Animal Sense Perceptions. W.L. Distant, 321.

An Observational Diary of the Habits—mostly Domestic—of the Great Crested Grebe (Podicipes cristatus), and of the Peewit (Vanellus vulgaris), with some General Remarks, Edmund Selous, 339.

Notes and Queries:—

Mammalia.—Note on the Scaly Ant-Eater (Manis temmincki), Guy A.K. Marshall, 351.
Aves.—Sparrow-Canary Hybrid?, H.J. Charbonnier, 353. Crested Lark, &c., released in England, Frank Finn, 353. Habits of Alcedo ispida, George W. Bradshaw, 354. An unrecorded Kite obtained in Huntingdonshire, J. Steele-Elliott, 354. Variety of the Shag, Williams & Son, 354. The Little Bittern in Cornwall, H.M. Evans, 354. Puffin off the Coast of Kerry, Williams & Son, 355. The Origin of the Name "Fulmar," H.A. Macpherson, 355.
Reptilia.—The Sand-Lizard in the North of England, T.A. Coward, 355.
Insecta.—A Dipterous Parasite in the Plumage of Birds, Alfred T. Comber, 357. Ornithoymia avicularia, Linn., E.E. Austen, 357.

Notices of New Books, 359-360.

Subscriptions to 'The Zoologist' (12s. post free) are due, and may be sent to the Publishers, West, Newman & Co., 54, Hatton Garden, London. Payment is preferred in uncrossed Postal Orders.

All Articles and Communications intended for publication, and Books and Pamphlets for review, should be addressed "The Editor of 'The Zoologist,' c/o West, Newman & Co., 54, Hatton Garden, London;" or direct to the Editor, W.L. Distant, Steine House, Selhurst Road, South Norwood.


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