Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 5 (1901).djvu/31

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winter. The Nuthatch (Sitta cæsia, v. Pic çender) is abundant. The Wall Creeper (Tichodroma muraria, v. Barbèl, Beca corne, Becaràgn, Pic de corne) is a fairly abundant species; it breeds on the Cancervo and everywhere in the high districts, but not above 5200 ft. The two Certhiæ (Tree-Creeper, v. Rampeghì) are met with; Certhia familiaris seems to be the commoner. The Wren (Troglodytes parvulus, v. Reatì, Trentapìs) is common and resident; it breeds everywhere on the mountains. The Dipper (Cinclus merula, v. Merèll acqueröl) is met with where-ever in the adapted localities; I have not seen the northern form called the Black-bellied Dipper (C. melanogaster), but I succeeded in finding the Dipper up to 4500 ft. above the sea. The Hedge-Sparrow (Accentor modularis, v. Matèla) is met with, and breeds everywhere; while the Alpine Accentor (A. collaris, v. Materòt, Materàss) is fairly common, and breeding, from 4500 to 7600 ft.; I obtained specimens from Somnadello and Cancerbero; in winter it comes lower; it breeds on the tops of the shanties of shepherds. The Thrushes are represented by the Blackbird (Merula nigra, v. Merell), very common; the two forms of Ring Ouzel (M. torquata and M. alpestris, v. Merla montana) are frequent; Dr. Giacomelli told me that the northern form is commoner, but I doubt it; all three breed, and also the Song-Thrush (Turdus musicus, v. Durt), of which I have succeeded in having a nestling from the Passo del Branchino (5628 ft.). The Fieldfare (T. pilaris, v. Visc-ièra) is only a winter visitor, and a bird of passage, while the Mistle-Thrush (T. viscivorus, v. Dressa) is resident; while so far there are no proofs of the breeding of the Redwing (T. iliacus v. Sdurdì) in these highlands. I have no notice regarding the other rare species of Italian Thrushes, but certainly the Dusky-Thrush (T. fuscatus), and perhaps the Black-throated Thrush (T. atrigularis), must be met with as stragglers. I preserve in my collection an adult male of the former, which was caught at Breno, a few miles from Bergamo, and not very far from the beginning of the Brembana Valley.[1] The Rock-Thrush (Monticola saxatilis, V. Cueròss) is a common bird, summer visitor, and breeding. The Blue Rock-Thrush (M. cyanus) is particularly abundant in

  1. E. Arrigoni degli Oddi, "Il Turdus fuscatus nel Bergamasco" (Riv, Ital. Sc. Nat. xiii. No. 9, Siena, 1893).