Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 5 (1901).djvu/20

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Haliaëtus albicilla, 5, 189, 407; leucogaster, 257

Haliastur girrenera, 257

Hare, Variable, coloration of 73, 221

Harelda glacialis, 412

Harrier, Montagu's, in Northamptonshire, 476

Hawfinch, increase of, 463

Heron, Purple, photo-trapping, 290, —fig., 292

Heteropygia bairdi, 31

Himantopus candidus, 71, 100; leucocephalus, 255

Hippotragus equinus, 115, 444; leucophæus, 115, 442; niger, 444

Hirundo rustica, 8, 204, 428, 469

Hobby breding in Shropshire, 426

Hoopoe at Reigate, 247, 269

Hull naturalists, bygone, 199

Hybrid Crow, 30; Ducklings, 132; Sparrow-Canary?, 353; between Blackcock and Pheasant, 477

Hybridity, experiments in, at Pretoria, 263

Hybrids between Fringilla cœlebs and montifringilla, 12

Hydrochelidon hybrida, 105; leucoptera, 105; nigra, 104, 188, 477

Ibis, Glossy, in Durham, 185; Strawnecked, breeding in West Australia, 261

Iceland, brief notes on an expedition to the north of, in 1899, 401

Icelandic names of birds, 478

Incubation, artificial, of Alligator's eggs, 197; of Swift, number of days taken in, 473

'Index Animalium,' 39

India, British, and its dependencies, zoological divisions of, 113

Insects, geological antiquity of, 197

Intelligence, animal, 190

Ireland—Red-throated Pipit, 264; Wigeon, 269; Shag, 354; Puffin, 355; Wood-Sandpiper, 390

Isle of Man, Yellow Wagtail in, 69

Iynx torquilla, 7

Jackdaw, nesting of, 70, 154

Jerboa, Egyptian, in captivity, 305

Kite in Huntingdonshire, 354

Labrus maculatus, 160

Lacerta agilis, 356, 392, 430, 479; vivipara, 356

Lagopus mutus, 14; rupestris, 413

Lamna cornubica, 160

Lanius collurio, 8; excubitor, 158, 283, 479; minor, 8

Lark, Crested, &c., released in England, 353; Wood, 251

Larus argentatus, 295, 471; cachinnans, 270,295; canus, 15, 189, 295; fuscus, 295, 415, 471; glaucus, 285, 296, 415; icelandicus, 285; leucopterus, 296; marinus, 295, 317, 415; melanocephalus, 295; minutus, 285, 294; ridibundus, 15, 295

Lepus timidus, 73, 221

Leveret, White, at Rainworth, Notts, 423

Ligurinus chloris, 12, 205, 469

Limicola platyrhyncha, 15, 102, 390

Limosa belgica, 104; lapponica, 104, 210, 283

Linota cannabina, 205, 469; flavirostris, 206; rufescens, 315, 426

Lisbon, birds in, 270

Lizard, Sand, in North of England, 355; in Berkshire, 392, 430, 479

Lleyn, West Carnarvonshire, notes from, 141

Locustella nævia, 10, 60

Lophophanes cristatus, 8

Lophophaps ferruginea, 256

Lowestoft Fish-wharf, 21

Loxia bifasciata 2, 13; curvirostra, 13; pityopsittacus, 12

Luscinia philomela, 10; vera, 10

Lycænidæ, cannabalistic propensities of, 198

Machetes pugnax, 71, 103, 283

Macrorhamphus griseus, 101, 282

Mammals, new African, 278

Manis javanica, 352; pentadactyla, 352; temmincki, 351

Manorhina flavigula, 259

Mareca americana, 411; penelope, 209, 269, 411

Marine Biological Association of West Scotland, prizes offered by, 400

Martin, House, in November, 30,—notes on, 69; Sand, 69

Melanitis ismene, 198

Melophagus ovinus, 358

Mergulus alle, 211, 285, 297, 416; merganser, 158, 283, 413; serrator, 413

Merops apiaster, 7

Merula alpestris, 9; nigra, 9; torquata, 9

Mice devouring larvæ of Emerald Moth, 239

Microhierax eutolmus, 224