Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 4 (1900).djvu/234

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Sept. 2nd. On Sept. 4th their numbers had increased to hundreds everywhere near the coast, and the species continued very abundant until the 20th.

A. obscurus (Lath.). Rock-Pipit.—Two or three Rock-Pipits appeared on the foreshore at North Cotes on Sept. 22nd. A considerable immigration on Oct. 4th, and a still greater one on 17th.

Muscicapa atricapilla, Linn. Pied Flycatcher.—Three Pied Flycatchers came in with the "rush" of small birds on Oct. 4th—the only ones seen during the autumn.

M. grisola, Linn. Spotted Flycatcher.—The majority of these birds left about the second week of September, but I saw half a dozen in the garden at Grainsby on the 24th.

Hirundo rustica, Linn. Swallow.—Thousands roosting in the reed-beds on Madams Crike on Sept. 4th. Swallows became scarce about Oct. 9th, but I saw three or four flying over the village of Tetney on the 18th.

Chelidon urbica (Linn.). House-Martin.—A House-Martin flying about the house at Grainsby on Nov. 5th.

Ligurinus chloris (Linn.). Greenfinch.—A good many near the coast on Oct. 13th, and very abundant from the 17th to the 30th.

Carduelis elegans, Steph. Goldfinch.—Very scarce; one on the sea-bank on Nov. 10th.

Passer domesticus (Linn.). House-Sparrow.—Very large flocks in the hedges near the coast on Oct. 5th, and again on 21st.

Fringilla cœlebs, Linn. Chaffinch.—A large flock at Grainsby on Oct. 15th. On 17th many—apparently all males—about the sea-bank and neighbouring hedges.

F. montifringilla, Linn. Brambling.—One (a female) on a hedge near the sea on Oct. 4th. Two, both females, at Grainsby on Oct. 11th. A considerable number in a mixed flock of Linnets, Greenfinches, and Twites on Dec. 20th.

Linota cannabina (Linn.). Linnet.—Many on grass-land near the coast on Sept. 15th. Large mixed flocks of Linnets and Twites on the North Cotes foreshore on Oct. 9th and 18th.

L. flavirostris (Linn.). Twite.— Many small flocks along the