Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/355

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mark. The bird flew out while we were collecting the pellets. On examination of the contents we found two skulls of the Lesser Shrew, Sorex minutus, and, as this is probably the first time this animal has been noticed in Anglesea, it is worth recording. The pellets also contained remains of the following:—One young Rabbit, Lepus cuniculus; four Rats, Mus decumanus; seven Mice, M. musculus; ten Long-tailed Field Mice, M. sylvaticus; six Water Voles, Microtus amphibius; twelve Field Voles, M. agrestis; two Water Shrews, Crossopus fodiens; nineteen Common Shrews, Sorex vulgaris; four small birds; and the elytra of five beetles, Melolontha and Geotrupes.—T.A. Coward (Bowdon).


Pine Marten in the County Waterford.—I was much interested in Mr. A. Heneage Cocks's note (ante, p. 270), and now write to say that I have had the pleasure of seeing for the first time, alive and in a state of nature, a fine Pine Marten. On the 21st of this month (June) I was walking through the beautiful woods of Curraghmore, which adjoin Coolfin, when I heard a regular uproar by birds. It came from a spot a hundred yards or so away. Walking in the direction as quietly as possible, I expected to see a Fox carrying off a young bird. Among the branches of some low oaks was a large party of Blackbirds; one of them, a fine cock with bright orange bill, being greatly excited, scolding away at the top of his voice, and with outspread wings facing a point from which he expected trouble for himself and family; and there among the leaves, lying close along a branch, was a Marten, crouching low as if he was going to spring. It was a most interesting sight, and neither the Marten nor birds seemed to pay much attention to me as I watched them. Nothing can exceed the gracefulness and quickness of movement in the Marten. It twists and turns its lithe and supple body in every direction, and with wonderful rapidity. One must see it in a state of nature to appreciate what a deadly foe it must be to birds both old and young. Having watched them for some time I went away, and on my return both Marten and birds had disappeared. He was probably having his supper on the old cock, or a younger member of the family.—William W. Flemyng (Coolfin, Portlaw, Co. Waterford).

Albino Badger in Hants.—On Feb. 9th of this year a Badger was caught near Basingstoke, exhibiting the following curious form of variation. The fur is quite white except at the tail, which is reddish brown; the eyes are pink, a feature correlated to albinism. The animal is mature, and a fine specimen; it is in the possession of Mr. Spriggs, of the Royal Hotel, Winchester, who will be glad to show it to anyone who wishes to see it.—G.W. Smith (College, Winchester).