Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 2 (1878).djvu/453

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Yorkshire, West Riding. — The following local names of birds are in currency in the West Riding of Yorkshire, and have all come under my own personal observation:—

Kestrel. Stand-hawk.

Sparrow-hawk. Blue-hawk.

Missel Thrush. Churcock.

Fieldfare. Blue-tail.

Ring Ouzel. Crag Ouzel.

Hedgesparrow. Dunnock.

Whinchat. Grasschat.

Wheatear. Stonechat.

Sedge Warbler. Willow Sparrow.

Whitethroat. Straw-small.

Wood Wren. Haybird.

Willow Wren. Peggy.

Blue Titmouse. Bluecap.

Ray's Wagtail. Seedfore.

Meadow Pipit. Moor-tit.

Yellowhammer. Yoldring.

Chaffinch. Bulspink.

Goldfinch. Goldspink.

Linnet. Red Linnet.

Lesser Redpoll. Chevvy Linnet.

Twite. Grey Linnet.

Starling. Shepster.

Rook. Crow.

Magpie. Pianet.

Swift. Whip; Devil-bird.

Nightjar. Night-hawk.

Lapwing. Tuit.

Heron. Heronseugh.

Common Sandpiper. Sand-snipe.

Landrail. Grass-drake.

The Wheatear is invariably called "Stonechat." Whenever the nest of the Garden Warbler, Blackcap, Sedge Warbler, or White- throat is alluded to, it is designated "Straw-small," in allusion, I suppose, to its flimsy structure. The name "Twite" is frequently bestowed upon the Meadow Pipit. Various local names are applied to the Linnet. Occasionally a male is met with in the breeding-season without the carmine tinge on the breast and fore- head, and in a plumage similar to what it bears in winter; these are named " Grey-birds"; sometimes a few are caught at the same season with a yellowish hue on the breast — these are called "Lemon-birds"; so far as I have had the means of ascertaining, they are somewhat larger than the normal size of the red-breasted specimens. Both the Rock and Ring Doves are called " Wild Pigeons." — E.P.P. Butterfield (Wilsden).

South Hampshire.—

Squirrel. Skuggy ; Charlie.

Bat. Ranny-mouse.

Badger. Sometimes Brock or Bruck, but generally "Badger."

Miller's-thumb. Noggle-head.

Loach. Lie-still.

Stickleback. Male, Firey-lock; female, Enemy-chit.

Sand Lizard. Evet.

Water Newt. Water-evet.

Hobby. Van-winged Hawk.

Kestrel. Windhover.

Hen Harrier. Male, Grey Buzzard.

Red-backed Shrike. Pope; Butcherbird.

Spotted Flycatcher. Wall-bird.