Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 2 (1878).djvu/409

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Ireland. — It may interest your readers to glance through the annexed list of names by which our familiar birds are known in Ireland:—

Peregrine Falcon. Blue Hawk.

Kestrel. Windhover.

Common Buzzard. Kite; Goshawk.

Marsh Harrier. Kite; Brown Hawk.

Short-eared Owl. Woodcock Owl.

Water Ouzel. Dipper; Kingfisher; River Pie.

Missel Thrush. Jay; Big Felt.

Redwing. Felt.

Fieldfare. Blue Felt.

Ring Ouzel. Cowboy; Mountain Stare.

Wheatear. Stoneychat.

Stonechat. Blackcap.

Willow Warbler. Sallypicker; Golden Wren.

Chiffchaff. Sallypicker.

Sedge Warbler. Irish Nightingale; Sallypicker.

Great Tit. Blackcap; Oxeye.

Blue Tit. Tomtit.

Hedgesparrow. Reefouge (?)

Hooded Crow. Scald Crow; Praheen Cark (or "Hen Crow," from its plunder of eggs).

Greenfinch. Green Linnet.

Corn Bunting. Bush Lark.

Black-headed Bunting. Blackcap.

Meadow Pipit. Titlark.

Rock Pipit. Rock Lark.

Creeper. Woodpecker.

Ring Dove. Woodquest.

Common Heron. Crane.

Curlew. Whaup.

Whimbrel. Maybird.

Common Snipe. Heather-bleat.

Redshank. Red-legged Snipe.

Common Sandpiper. Sand Lark.

Dunlin. Sea Snipe; Sea Lark.

Turnstone. Sea Lark.

Lapwing. Phillipene.

Bald Coot. Black Diver.

Brent Goose. Barnacle.

Shieldrake. Burrow Duck.

Pintail. Sea Pheasant; Ladybird.

Widgeon. Whistler.

Smew. White-nun; Magpie Diver.

Red-throated Diver. Galrush.

Common Guillemot. Murre.

Great Northern Diver. Imber.

Green Cormorant. Shag.

Sandwich Tern. Big Skirr.

Arctic and Common Terns. Skirr.

Great Black-backed Gull. Parson Gull.

Storm Petrel. Martensil.

I have compiled this list from Mr. Watters' little work on the ' Birds of Ireland,' published in 1853, but long since out of print. My own observation leads me to believe that the names which it contains are still common in Ireland. — Charles W. Benson (Rathmines School, Dublin).

Worcestershire. — The following are a few of the local names for birds in Worcestershire:—

Whitethroat. Hazeck.

Hedgesparrow. The same.

Flycatcher. Spait.

Chaffinch. Pie-finch.

Green Woodpecker. Stock-eikle.

Long-tailed Tit. Hedge-mumruffin.

Willow Warbler. Grass-mumruffin.

Whinchat. Furzechat.

As 1 have not yet seen Worcestershire represented in the lists

that have lately appeared in 'The Zoologist,' I venture to hope

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