Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 2 (1878).djvu/354

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Lapwing. Tuet. Bulfinch. Bullie.
In Fife and Forfar an almost similar name — viz. "Tuchet" (pronounced "Tyuchet") — is applied to this species. This name is applied here to the Bulfinch, and not to the Chaffinch as in Yorkshire (p. 292).
Heron. Crane in Scotland. Whitethroat. Nettle-creeper.
Blackbird. Blackie and Blackie-bird in Scotland. I have heard this name applied in Midlothian, but cannot feel sure whether it was by a native.

In the preparation of my county lists of local names in Scotland I shall be glad of any assistance from brother naturalists. — J.A. Harvie Brown (Dunipace House, Larbert, N. B.).

Yorkshire. — In the district of Cleveland, more especially in the Dales, twelve miles west of Whitby, ten east of Stokesley, and nine south-east of Guisborough, the following names are in use: —

Stoat. Clubs/ ir.

Weasel. Ressela or Rezzela.

Shrew. Blead-mbuse.

Badger. Brock (disus

Bat. Flitter-mouse ; Back-bearaway.

Rat. Ratton.

Barn Owl. Church Owl.

Brown Owl. Hoot Owl; Wood Owl.

Missel Thrush. May Thrush.

Song Thrush. Throstle.

Fieldfare. Felfer.

Blackbird. Black Uzzel.

Ring Ouzel. Ring Uzzel; Moor

Blackbird. Water Ouzel. Dipper. Redstart. Fire-tail; Red-tail. Stouechat. Stone-chock; Stone-

chacker. Whincbat. Whinchacker. Willow Wren. Mealy-mouth. Common Wren. Tom Tit. Blue Tit. Jenny Wren. Pied Wagtail. Dish-washer. Reed Bunting. Blackcap. Chaffinch. Bull-spink. Yellowhammer. Gol Greenfinch. Green Linnet.

Hooded Crow. Dun Crow; Norway < row.

Carrion Crow. Ger-crow; Doup.

Rook. Craw; Saddleback.

Magpie. Nanpie.

Starling. Shep-starling ; Shepstare.

Swift. Devilrshrieker.

Sand Marl in. Bank Swallow.

.Martin. Eaves or J^asin Swallow.

Ring Dove. Cooscot ; Cushat.

Lapwing. Peewit; Tufit (pro- nounced " Teeafit"j.

Heron. Hernseu; Cram.

Titlark. Moor-titling; Moor-tahling.

Corn Crake. Craker.

Hedgesparrow. Cuddy; Shufflewings.

Sandpiper. Summer Snipe.

Newt. Ask; Esk ; Hash.

Viper. Hagworm.

Snake. Grass Snake.

Toad. lade.

Dragon-lly. Fleeing Ask or Esk; Fleeing Aither, Edder, or Nedder.

Blue-bottle Fly. Flesh-fly.

Black-beetle. Black-clock.

Water-beetle. Water-chock.

Ladybird. Lady-clock.

Back-bearaway. The first part of this name is the Old English Bakke met with in Prompt. Parv. ; c.f. Old Swedish Natt-backa; Danish Aften-bakke. The "bearaway" I cannot explain.

Clubster. Compare the Lancashire " clubtail."*

It is probable that the Norfolk "lobster," mentioned in Mr. Gurne.v's list (p. 287;, is a corruption of "clubster." — Ed.