Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 2 (1878).djvu/286

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and re-described two, Sciurus rufo-niger, Pucheran, and S.pusillus, Geoffroy, which had been recently overlooked.

Mr. Sclater exhibited and made remarks on a third collection of Birds from Duke of York Island, New Britain and New Ireland, which he had received from the Rev. George Brown. Amongst them was an example of a new Fruit pigeon proposed to be called Carpophaga melanochroa.

A communication was read from Dr. M. Watson, containing a description of the male generative organs of Chlamydophorus truncatus and Dasypus sexcinctus.

A communication was read from Professor Garrod on certain points in the anatomy of Levaillant's Darter (Plotus Levaillanti).

A communication was read from Messrs. Garrod and Turner on the gravid uterus and placenta of Hyomoschus aquaticus.

A communication was read from Mr. Moore containing the descriptions of new Asiatic butterflies of the family Hesperiidae.

A second communication from M r. Moore gave a list of the Lepidopterous Insects collected by the late Robert Swinhoe in the island of Hainan.

A communication was read from the Marquis of Tweeddale, being the tenth of his contributions to the ornithology of the Philippines. The present paper gave an account of the collection made by Mr. A. H. Everett in the island of Bohol. The collection contained representatives of forty- seven species. Although all of these were previously known, seven of them had not been before recorded as being inhabitants of the Philippines.

Dr. 0. Finsch read the description of a new species of Starling from Lake Marka-kul, in the Chinese High Altai, which he proposed to name Sturnus Poltaratzskyi, after Gen. Poltaratzsky, Governor of Semipalatinsk.

A communication was read from Mr. H. W. Bates containing the description of new species of Coleopterous Insects (Geodephaga and Longicornia) taken by the late Dr. Stoliczka during the Forsyth Expedition to Kashgar in 1873–74.

A communication was read from Dr. G. Hartlaub in which he gave the description of a new species of Notauges (N. Hildebrandti) of Cabanis, M., discovered by Mr. Hildebrandt at Ikanga in Ukamba, Eastern Africa.

A communication was read from Lieut.-Col. R. H. Beddome, giving the description of a new Batrachian from Southern India belonging to the family Phrvniscidse, which he proposed to call Melanobatrachus indicus.

Sir Victor Brooke, Bart., exhibited and made remarks on a fine head of the male Gazella Granti, originally described from sketches made by Capt. Speke during Speke and Grant's Expedition. The present specimen had been shot by Mr. Arkwright about eighty miles from Ugogo, in Eastern Africa.

A communication was read from Professor J.V. Barboza du Bocage, con- taining a list of the Antelopes observed in Angola.