Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 2 (1878).djvu/25

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I. MYSTACOCETI, Whalebone Whales.
Balænidæ Balæna mysticetus, Linn. Greenland Right Whale
Balænidæ Balæna biscayensis, Eschr. Atlantic Eight Whale
Balænopteridæ  Megaptera boops, Fab. Hump-backed Whale
Balænopteridæ Balænoptera musculus, Linn. Common Rorqual
Balænopteridæ Balænoptera Sibbaldii, Gray Sibbald's Rorqual
Balænopteridæ Balænoptera laticeps, Gray Rudolphi's Rorqual
Balænopteridæ Balænoptera rostrata, Fab. Lesser Rorqual
II. ODONTOCETI, Toothed Whales.
Physeteridæ Physeter macrocephalus, Linn Sperm Whale, or Cachelot
Physeteridæ Hyperoodon rostratus, Chemn. Beaked Whale, or Bottle-head
Physeteridæ Hyperoodon latifrons, Gray Broad-fronted Beaked Whale
Physeteridæ Ziphius cavirostris, Cuv. Cuvier's Whale
Physeteridæ Mesoplodon bidens, Sowerb. Sowerby's Whale
Delphinidæ Monodon monoceros, Linn. Narwhal
Delphinidæ Delphinapterus leucas, Pallas White Whale, or Beluga
Delphinidæ Orca gladiator, Lacep. Grampus, or Killer
Delphinidæ Grampus griseus, Cuv. Risso's Grampus
Delphinidæ Globiocephalus melas, Trail. Pilot Whale
Delphinidæ Phocæna communis, Cuv. Porpoise
Delphinidæ Delphinus delphis, Linn. Common Dolphin
Delphinidæ Delphinus tursio, Fab. Bottle-nosed Dolphin
Delphinidæ Delphinus acutus, Gray White-sided Dolphin
Delphinidæ Delphinus albirostris, Gray White-beaked Dolphin

Family Balænidæ.

Genus Balæna, Linnaeus.

The members of this genus, which includes the Greenland and Atlantic Right Whales, are characterized by the absence of any dorsal fin, and by having the skin of the under parts perfectly smooth, instead of being pleated or disposed in folds, as in the Fin Whales, or Rorquals. The rostrum of the skull is compressed and rounded, and the rami of the lower jaw strongly arched outwards. The baleen, or whalebone, is long; the flippers short.