Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 1 (1877).djvu/554

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A letter was read from Mr. A.O. Hume, containing some remarks on Mr. Howard Saunders' recent paper on the Sterninæ.

The Secretary exhibited, on the part of Mr. G. Dawson Rowley, an egg of Pauxis galeata, laid by a black female bird of this species.

Prof. W. H. Flower read a paper entitled "A further Contribution to the knowledge of the existing Ziphioid Whales of the Genus Mesoplodon," containing a description of a skeleton and several skulls of Cetaceans of that genus from the seas of New Zealand.

A communication was read from Lieut.-Col. R. H. Beddome, containing the descriptions of three new species of reptiles from the Madras Presidency. It was proposed to call these Oligodon travancoriciun, Gymnodactylus Jeyporensis and Bufo travancoricus.

A communication was read from the Marquis of Tweeddale, containing an account of a collection of birds made by Mr. A. H. Everett in the Island of Luzon, Philii)pines. Three new species were named Megalurus ruficeps, Dicæ xanthopygium and Oxycerca Everetti. Mr. D. G. Elliot read some remarks on Felis tigrina (Erx) and its synonymy, showing that F. mitis (F. Cuv.), and F. macrura (Pr. Max.), are identical with that species.

Prof. Garrod read a paper on some points in the visceral anatomy of the Rhinoceros of the Sunderbunds (Rhinoceros sondaicus).

A second communication from Prof. Garrod contained a note on an anatomical peculiarity in certain Storks.

Mr. Edgar A. Smith read a paper in which he described some shells from Lake Nyassa and a few marine species from the mouth of the Macusi River, near Quilimane, on the East Coast of Africa.

A communication from Dr. O. Finsch contained the description of a new species of Petrel from the Fiji Islands, which it was proposed to name Procellaria albigularis.

A second communication from Dr. Finsch contained a report on the collections of birds made during the voyage of H.M.S. 'Challenger' at Tongatabu, the Fiji Islands, Api, New Hebrides, and Tahiti.

Mr. E.R. Alston read a supplementary note on Rodents and Marsupials from Duke-of-York Island and New Ireland. Macropus lugens (Alst.) was shown to be a synonym of Halmaturus Brownii (Ramsay), while Mr. Ramsay's Mus echimyoides and M. musavora were respectively identical with Mus Browni and Uromys rufescens of Alston.

A communication from Mr. L. Taczanowski contained a supplementary list of birds collected in Nortli-Western Peru by Messrs. Jelski and Stolzmann. Two species were new, and it was proposed to call them Rallus cypereti and Penelope albipennis.—P.L. Sclater, Secretary.

t. p. newman, printer, 32, botolph lane, eastcheap, k.c.