Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 1 (1877).djvu/460

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by a gamekeeper at Haverland; but having since ascertained that several Owls of the same species were turned off, not long since, on Lord Kimberley's estate at Wymondham, it is impossible to decide if this individual has strayed from this neighbourhood or has occurred as a voluntary migrant.

Late Occurrence of Fieldfares.—About the middle of May a large flock of Fieldfares appeared at Sheringhani, no doubt coming from the south, and remained about the park for several days. After the main body had left, a straggler was seen, by Mr. H.M. Upcher, on June 2nd.

Osprey.—About the close of the month an Osprey was observed at Hoveton, perching on some oaks on the lawn of Mr. Blofeld's residence; and a few days later, one—probably the same—was seen at Coltishall.

Arrival and Departure of Migrants, as obbeeved chiefly in the Vicinity of Cromer and Norwich.

March 5. Hooded Crow, departure first observed at Northrepps; on the 27th a considerable flock took their departure; seven seen at Northrepps on the 23rd April; and three on May 16th.
March 28. Chiffchaff heard at Northrepps.
April 4. Two Willow Warblers seen at Northrepps.
April 6. Blackcap (male) seen at Northrepps.
April 8. House Martin seen at Coltishall, aud Ring Ouzel at Sheringham.
April 8. Nightingale heard at Thorpe, near Norwich; and in neighbouring localities on the 10th and 12th; at Keswick on the 13th.
April 9. Redstart seen at Keswick, and at Norwich on the 11th.
April 14. Cuckoo heard at Northrepps.
April 20. Sand Martin seen at Gunton
April 21. Two Swallows seen at Keswick.
April 23. Garden Warbler seen at Norwich.
May 6. Turtle Dove heard.
May 7. Hobby seen at Northrepps.
May 8. Wood Warbler seen at Northrepps.
May 15. Swifts first seen at Cromer, and at Norwich on the 26th.
May 17. Spotted Flycatcher seen.
May 22. Red-backed Shrike seen at Cringleford, and at Northrepps on the 25th.