Page:The Zoologist, 1st series, vol 1 (1843).djvu/326

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is the leader of the vernal chorus. When the oats are sown in March, many small flocks betake themselves to the fields, feeding on the uncovered grains, and such small seeds as may be turned up in the course of tillage. Even our sheltered woods on the banks of Whittingham-water are seldom altogether deserted, for the autumn leaves, when swept aside by the blast, seem to disclose a multitude of small seeds congenial to their taste. As the season advances, these flocks gradually disperse, and none remain about the farm-yards but such as breed in the garden and neighbouring hedge-rows, and they may be daily seen foraging for a supply of their winter fare, even in midsummer, but desist entirely from pilfering from the sides of the stacks: even the new fledged young partake of such food. During the summer months insects and their larvæ constitute their chief support, perhaps I might almost say, in many cases their only support, for they are often found in the loneliest places in woods and plantations. The first annoyance they give to the farmer is, by destroying his early crops of radishes, turnips and onions, in the garden, besides making sad havoc with his polyanthuses and auriculas; but a few barn-door fowls' feathers inserted into a piece of cork, and allowed to dangle in the wind over the beds, are sure to drive away our merry little songster, who does our apple, pear and apricot trees good service, when infested by leaf-rolling caterpillars, besides other insect foes of which we take no note. He is also a very useful auxiliary to the farmer, as well as to the gardener, by destroying a multitude of small seeds, amongst which I may enumerate those of the chickweed, groundsel, bulbous and hairy crowfoot. He is one of the most determined of all the plunderers of our turnip-seed, and I see that those who practise this branch of husbandry sustain considerable loss, notwithstanding that a watch is daily set. When our grain crops ripen in August and September, the chaffinches which haunted the recesses of woods and plantations flock to their borders, and unless the farmer is attentive to such matters, as from their small size they cannot be perceived at a distance, their depredations are often carried on with impunity. The trees around our dwellings are also the rendezvous of parties of plunderers, who sometimes join the sparrows, but oftener keep together, and feed amongst the standing corn, at a greater distance from the hedge-row than the latter ever venture. After the wheat is cut, and placed in shocks, and whilst yet in a soft state, I have observed the chaffinch deprive each grain of its outside coat previously to swallowing it. Although they always prefer feeding in the neighbourhood of trees or bushes, yet, as the season advances, they are