Page:The Zoologist, 1st series, vol 1 (1843).djvu/102

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near Leith. This is an animal of great interest to the naturalist, and is more likely than any other of which we have any knowledge, to have given rise to the stories of sirens and mermaids. Although it has frequently been seen at sea, specimens have very rarely found their way ashore, and of the entire animal kingdom no species is so rarely met with in museums.

The following may be considered a tolerably correct list of the British Quadrupeds, as enumerated by Mr. Bell. We have introduced some slight alterations in the nomenclature, and on a future occasion intend suggesting others, more especially as regards the bats. The whales are purposely omitted, as we consider them too imperfectly known to admit of any precision as to their specific differences.

Bat Tribe.

Noctule, Vespertilio Noctula
Hairy-armed bat, V. Leisleri
Particoloured bat, V. discolor
Pipistrelle, V. Pipistrellus
Serotine, V. serotinus
Mouse-coloured bat, V. murinus
Bechstein's bat, V. Bechsteinii
Natterer's bat, V. Nattereri
Daubenton's bat, V. Daubentonii
Whiskered bat, V. mystacinus
Barbastelle, V. barbastellus
Long-eared bat, Plecotus auritus
Greater horse-shoe bat, Rhinolophus fer-
Lesser horse-shoe bat, R. hipposideros


Hedgehog, Erinaceus europæus
Mole, Talpa europæa
Shrew, Sorex tetragonurus
Water-shrew, S.fodiens
Oared shrew, S. remifer

Bear Tribe.

Badger, Meles taxus

Weasel Tribe.

Otter, Lutra vulgaris
Weasel, Mustela vulgaris
Stoat, M. erminea
Polecat, M. putorius
Marten, M. Martes

Pine-marten, M.foina

Cat Tribe.

Wild Cat, Felis catus

Dog Tribe.

Fox, Canis Vulpes

Seal Tribe.

Common seal, Phoca vitulina
Grey seal, Halichcerus Gryphus
Walrus, Trichecus Rosmarus

Squirrel Tribe.

Squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris
Dormouse, Myoxus avellanarius

Mouse Tribe.

Harvest mouse, Mus messorius
Long-tailed field mouse, M. sylvaticus
Common mouse, M. musculus
Black rat, M. rattus
Brown rat, M. decumanus
Water rat, Arvicola amphibius
Short-tailed field mouse, A. agrestis
Bank mouse, A.pratensis

Hare Tribe.

Hare, Lepus timidus
Irish hare, L. hibernicus
Varying hare, L. variabilis
Rabbit, L. cuniculus

Deer Tribe.

Red deer, Cervus elaphus
Roebuck, C. capreolus


Anecdote of Instinct or Reasoning Power in a Cat. Passing by the back window of a neighbour's house a short time since, I saw

  1. We suppose that K. is Edward Newman, compare p. 1–6 and contents p. x (Wikisource-ed.).