Page:The Yellow Book - 05.djvu/335

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By John Davidson
Why will you hug the coast of Hell?

Why antedate the Judgment Day?

Nay, flout me not; you know me well.

Right, comrade! Give your fancy way.

I cannot see the stars and flowers,
Nor hear the lark's soprano ring,
Because a ruddy darkness lowers
For ever, and the tempests sing.
I see the strong coerce the weak,
And labour overwrought rebel;
I hear the useless treadmill creak,
The prisoner, cursing in his cell;
I see the loafer-burnished wall;
I hear the rotting match-girl whine;
I see the unslept switchman fall;
I hear the explosion in the mine;
I see along the heedless street
The sandwichmen trudge through the mire;
I hear the tired quick-tripping feet
