Page:The Way of a Virgin.djvu/65

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additional inch of penis to anything this world or the next can offer her." One cannot help noting, none the less, the indecent anxiety of the mother-in-law, in our story from Kruptadia, to sample the mighty yard of the newly-returned husband.[1]

  1. In The Night of Power we have the story of a man who, believing that three prayers would be granted to him, consults his wife as to what he shall ask. She advises him to ask Allah to "greaten and magnify his yard." He does so, whereupon his yard "became as big as a column, and he could neither sit nor stand nor move about nor even stir from his stead; and when he would have carnally known his wife, she fled before him from place to place." In distress the husband asks, as his second wish, to be delivered of this burden, and "immediately his prickle disappeared altogether and he became clean smooth. When his wife saw this, she said: 'I have no occasion for, thee now thou art become pegless as an eunuch, shaven and shorn. ……Pray Allah the most High to restore thee thy yard as it was.' So he prayed to his Lord and his prickle was restored to its first estate. Thus the man lost his three wishes by the ill counsel and lack of wit in the woman." Our brief summary is taken from Sir Richard F. Burton's translation of The Thousand Nights and a Night.