Page:The Way of a Virgin.djvu/43

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IN a certain reign, in a certain kingdom, there lived once on a time three peasant brethren, who quarrelled among themselves and divided up their goods; they did not share equally, and the division gave much to the elder brethren but very little to the youngest.

All three were young lads. They went forth together into the courtyard, saying one to the other:

"'Tis time for us to wed."

"'Tis well enough for ye," quoth the youngest brother. "Ye are rich, and the rich can marry. But what may I do? I am poor. I have not even a log of wood to my name. All I have for a fortune is a yard which reacheth to my knees!"

On this very moment there chanced to pass a merchant's daughter, who overheard these words and said to herself:

"Ah that I might have this young man for a husband! He hath a yard that reacheth to his very knees!"

The two elder brethren married; the youngest remained single.

  1. Kruptadia: Heilbronn, 1883: Henninger Freres: vol. 1: Secret Stories from the Russian, No. 32. Also Contes Secrets Russes: Paris: Liseux, 1891.