Page:The Vicomte de Bragelonne 2.djvu/336

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"I only fear to be placed so that I cannot serve your majesty."

"What do you wish, then?"

"I wish your majesty to allow me assistance in the labors of the office of intendant."

"The post would lose its value."

"It would gain in security."

"Choose your colleagues."

"Messrs. Breteuil, Marin, Harvard."

"To-morrow the ordonnance shall appear."

"Sir, I thank you."

"Is that all you ask:

"No, sire; one thing more."

"What is that?"

"Allow me to compose a chamber of justice."

"What would this chamber of justice do?"

"Try the farmers-general and contractors who during ten years have speculated."

"Well, but what would you do with them?"

"Hang two or three, and that would make the rest disgorge."

"I cannot commence my reign with executions, Monsieur Colbert."

"On the contrary, sire, in order not to end with them."

The king made no reply.

"Does your majesty consent?" said Colbert.

"I will reflect upon it, monsieur."

"It will be too late when reflection may be made."


"Because you have to deal with people stronger than ourselves, if they are warned."

"Compose that chamber of justice, monsieur."

"I will, sire."

"Is that all?"

"No, sire; there is still an important affair. "What rights does your majesty attach to this office of intendant?"

"Well, I do not know — the customary ones."

"Sire, I require that to this office be devolved the right of reading the correspondence with England."

"Impossible, monsieur, for that correspondence is kept from the council; Monsieur le Cardinal himself carried it on."

"I thought your majesty had this morning declared that there should no longer be a council?"

"Yes, T said so."