Page:The Vicomte de Bragelonne 2.djvu/305

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science. Give me absolution, and my soul will be able, when God shah please to call it, to mount without obstacle to the throne--"

The Theatin moved neither his arms nor his lips. "What are you waiting for, father?" said Mazarin.

"I am waiting for the end."

"The end of what?"

"Of the confession, monsieur."

"But I have ended."

"Oh, no; your eminence is mistaken."

"Not that I know of."

"Search diligently."

"I have searched as well as possible."

"Then I will assist your memory."


The Theatin coughed several times. "You have said nothing of avarice, another capital sin, nor of those millions," said he.

"Of what millions, father?"

"Why, of those you possess, monseigneur."

"Father, that money is mine. Why should I speak to you about that?"

"Because, you see, our opinions differ. You say that money is yours, while I, I believe it is rather the property of others."

Mazarin lifted his cold hand to his brow, which was dewed with sweat. "How so?" stammered he.

"This way. Your excellency has gained much wealth — in the service of the king."

"Hum! much — that is, not too much."

"Whatever it may be, whence came that wealth?"

"From the state."

"The state; that is the king."

"But what do you conclude from that father?" said Mazarin, who began to tremble.

"I cannot conclude without seeing a list of the riches you possess. Let us reckon a little, if you please. You have the bishopric of Metz?"


"The abbeys of St. Clement, St. Arnould, and St. Vincent, all at Metz?"


"You have the abbey of St. Denis, in France — a magnificent property?"

"Yes, father."