Page:The Vicomte de Bragelonne 2.djvu/175

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"My lord, I am quite at your orders," said the fisherman. "I will empty my baskets where you wish; then you will pay me, if you please to do so; and you will send me away, if it appears right to you. You see, I am very easily managed and pleased, my lord."

"Come, come, you are a very good sort of a fellow," said Monk, whose scrutinizing glance had not been able to find a single shade in the limpid eye of the fisherman. "Halloo, Digby!" An aid-de-camp appeared. "You will conduct this good fellow and his companions to the little tents of the canteens, in front of the marshes, so that they will be near their bark, and yet will not sleep on board to-night. "What is the matter, Spithead?"

Spithead was the sergeant from whom Monk had borrowed a piece of tobacco for his supper. Spithead, having entered the general's tent without being sent for, had drawn this question from Monk.

"My lord," said he, "a French gentleman has just presented himself at the outposts, and asks to speak to your honor."

All this was said, be it understood, in English; but, notwithstanding, it produced a slight emotion on the fisherman, which Monk, occupied with his sergeant, did not remark.

"Who is the gentleman?" asked Monk.

"My lord," replied Spithead, "he told it me; but those devils of French names are so difficult to be pronounced by a Scotch throat, that I could not retain it. I believe, however, from what the guards say, that it is the same gentleman who presented himself yesterday at the halt, and whom your honor would not receive."

"That is true; I was holding a council of officers."

"Will your honor give any orders respecting this gentleman?"

"Yes; let him be brought here."

"Must we take any precautions?"

"Such as what?"

"Binding his eyes, for instance?"

"To what purpose? He can only see what I desire should be seen; that is to say, that I have around me eleven thousand brave men, who ask no better than to have their throats cut in honor of the Parliament of Scotland and England."

"And this man, my lord?" said Spithead, pointing to the fisherman, who, during; this conversation, had remained