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“I’m not much of a visitor, Brother McMurdo,” he said at last. “I guess I am too busy over the folk that visit me. But I thought I’d stretch a point and drop down to see you in your own house.”

“I’m proud to see you here, Councilor,” McMurdo answered heartily, bringing his whisky bottle out of the cupboard. “It’s an honor that I had not expected.”

“How’s the arm?” asked the Boss.

McMurdo made a wry face. “Well, I’m not forgetting it,” he said; “but it’s worth it.”

“Yes, it’s worth it,” the other answered, “to those that are loyal and go through with it and are a help to the lodge. What were you speaking to Brother Morris about on Miller Hill this morning?”

The question came so suddenly that it was well that he had his answer prepared. He burst into a hearty laugh. “Morris didn’t know I could earn a living here at home. He sha’n’t know either; for he has got too much conscience for the likes of me. But he’s a good-hearted old chap. It was his idea that I was at a loose end, and that
