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“Oh, Jack, don’t let me hear you speak so! That is how he speaks—the other one!”

“Baldwin—he speaks like that, does he?”

“And that is why I loathe him so. Oh, Jack, how I can tell you the truth? I loathe him with all my heart; but I fear him also. I fear him for myself; but above all I fear him for Father. I know that some great sorrow would come upon us if I dared to say what I really felt. That is why I have put him off with half-promises. It was in real truth our only hope. But if you would fly with me, Jack, we could take Father with us and live forever far from the power of these wicked men.”

Again there was the struggle upon McMurdo’s face, and again it set like granite. “No harm shall come to you, Ettie—nor to your father either. As to wicked men, I expect you may find that I am as bad as the worst of them before we’re through.”

“No, no, Jack! I would trust you anywhere.”

McMurdo laughed bitterly. “Good Lord! how little you know of me! Your innocent soul, my darling, could not even guess what is passing in mine. But, hullo, who’s the visitor?”
