Page:The University Hymn Book.djvu/55

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AR HYD Y NOS. (8 4. 8 4. 8 8. 8 4.) đ…—đ…„ = 76. Relics of the Welsh Bards (1784).

Reginald Heber (1783-1820) and
Richard Whately (1787-1863).

GOD, that madest earth and heaven,
Darkness and light;
Who the day for toil hast given.
For rest the night;
May thine angel-guards defend us,
Slumber sweet thy mercy send us,
Holy dreams and hopes attend us.
This livelong night.

Guard us waking, guard us sleeping ;
And, when we die.
May we in thy mighty keeping
All peaceful lie:
When the last dread trump shall wake us,
Do not thou our Lord forsake us
But to reign in glory take us
With thee on high.