Page:The Under-Ground Railroad.djvu/86

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The young woman under consideration was property, and sold as such. The father was at a loss as to the best way of breaking to his daughter the dreadful fact that she was a Slave, and that he had been obliged to sell her, and that, in a few days, she must be delivered to her purchaser. Prostrated before the altar of degradation, she must become a victim to his brutal passions for which she was purchased. The father was unusually depressed, so much so as to amount to perfect melancholy, and occasionally much agitated. This was observed by poor Mary, who attributed it to the embarrasment he was in. All of a sudden, he called out "Mary!" "Well, papa," was her reply; her black eyes placed in his, with a cheering smile, little dreaming what was about to fall from the lips of him in whom she had placed implicit confidence. "It is my heart-rending duty to tell you that you are a Slave," With astonishment, as though it could not possibly be true, she gazed upon him. "Oh, papa! you don't mean to say that I am a Slave!" "Yes, (much agitated), and, alas! you are sold," The horrors of Slavery, as a mighty avalanche, rolled in upon her soul, and she fell, unconscious, to the ground.

On recovering her consciousness, as there was no time to be lost, to save herself from degradation, she obtained an interview with a gentleman of respectability