Page:The Under-Ground Railroad.djvu/81

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possible; it can better be imagined than described. To add to this exciting scene, the congregation were in floods of tears, arising from deep sympathy for their respected Deacon and his beloved long-separated wife. Is not this an answer to persevering prayer? Like her husband, the bereaved wife had supplicated for this re-union. They are now living in Canada, doing well, under the protection of Her Majesty's Government. They now walk abroad on Freedom's Plains, in full enjoyment of its fruition. The above is a fact, with which I am perfectly acquainted; they are now living in that land of Providence. May we not trace, in every consecutive step, that "Æthiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God."

It is sometimes the case, that masters sell their own children, not always voluntarily, but circumstances at times compel them. It is no uncommon occurence, for the master to select one of the Slave women and call her his wife. The Slave laws recognise no legal marriages between the Negro and white races, whether bond or free. Some of the wealthy Planters, no doubt, treat these adopted women with as much kindness and care as the iniquitous law will allow. Such was the case with a Slaveholder in the State of Georgia, and he soon became a father, and the Slave wife a mother; this united them closely in the bond of social affection, which lies at the