Page:The Under-Ground Railroad.djvu/70

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time it took to accomplish our design. It being warm weather, we wore slippers without heels, to prevent a noise while rescuing the prisoners, and conveying them away. When we had faithfully, as well as hastily performed our duty, we scampered off in different directions. It was obvious that our impetuosity had produced the effect intended on the mind of the Southerner. He was perfectly astounded, and literally terrified at our unexpected approach, and the earnestness with which we went at our work. When a little recovered from the shock, he poured forth a volley of oaths, threatening to shoot us if we did not cease, to which we paid no attention whatever. He changed his tactics, by calling aloud, "Police! Police!" These officers were intentionally deaf, or so far off, that they were unable to come to his aid, until we were quite out of sight. Though they pretended to be very much excited, and were looking for us, of course they did not find our whereabouts, as they did not wish to find it. We concealed the three men in a cellar, where it was not at all likely they would be found. The others made their escape by the assistance of Abolitionists in the country. When the alarm was given in the town, and the news spread from house to house, that three Slaves were captured, the others had sufficient time to secure their liberty by appealing effectually to their legs for aid, which they willingly gave.