Page:The Under-Ground Railroad.djvu/48

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he, having received my message, was coming to meet us. Here was a fair test of a Mother's Affections. It was literally impossible for her to leave her child, though at the peril of her own life; her attempts were to no avail. How like a Mother! Could any white mother have done more than this woman did? Here is the strongest evidence possible of filial affection existing in the bosom of an uncultivated Slave. "Out of one blood has God created all men to dwell on the earth." Made of one common material, having one common nature, subject to one common code of laws; with equal immortal destinies, amenable to the same God, redeemed, (if redeemed at all), by the same dying Saviour. The conclusion is, therefore, obvious, that the Negro is as capable of loving and hating to the same degree as any other race of people. They that think to the contrary, are either prejudiced against the race, or ignorant of human nature. This woman, as have many others, reached Canada safely.

As another instance of affection in the coloured race, I mention that of a company of eight Slaves, who were making their way to Canada, under the guidance of one of our men, who devote their lives to that business. He concealed them a distance of 20 miles from my house. It was in the month of January, and consequently very, very cold, and the ground was covered with snow.—Among the company were two women, one a mother