Page:The Under-Ground Railroad.djvu/185

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Christian friends who have placed it in our power to do so, would feel themselves more than repaid could they witness the looks of gratitude and listen to the expressions of thankfulness given by the recipients of their bounty. Parents lose many of their children by exposure, a woman in Toronto said she had lost six, another four, all from consumption; this is the disease with which they mostly die, when once seated in the constitution its victim last a short time, therefore it has received the appellation of quick consumption. As to the destitute children of Amhurstburgh, Mrs. Hurst says: "Children go about the streets with apparently nothing on but an old cotton frock; no wonder they get sick and die. A woman told me yesterday she had lost 10 children by consumption." It is not to be understood that Canada is an un-healthy country by any means for the contrary is the fact, this mortality of which we are speaking is from absolute destitution, which could be avoided if we were able to meet the cases with sufficient food and suitable clothing; neither are we to infer that the coloured people can't live in Canada because of the intensity of the cold. True, it is severe, especially on those coming direct from the South as the majority do, coming into a climate much colder than they have been assustomed to, even when clothed suitable to the climate, they suffer very much for