Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/93

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make the best of it? You may selfishly say, Why should I suffer?

Well, suppose you had the responsibility of taking care of a father or a mother who was a trial, you would probably not think of getting a divorce from either one. You would try to make the best of it. You would say they were your flesh and blood and you had a duty to perform towards them and you would do your best. Many people have such trials to bear.

And then sometimes people have children, boys or girls, that are trials. One does not usually throw one's children out into the streets as if they were refuse if they do not come up to the mark of their best behavior.

Marriage is really a more intimate relationship than any I have mentioned. And one in marriage should try to be courteous and considerate and helpful and do one's very best to get on happily.

The rule is that when one begins to be disagreeable the other should keep silent. It takes two to make a quarrel. It is a hard rule to practice, but it pays.

Marriage is the most fundamental thing of life. It ought to be the happiest. We are certainly responsible if we fail to do all in our power to make it happy.
