Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/91

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cats and dogs get on. The way that some men treat their wives is appalling. They are selfishness personified. They think only of their own comfort. They take no interest in the home and its problems. They will not even listen with sympathetic interest to the difficulties which the poor wife has experienced all day long. They would have done so before marriage, or pretended to do so at least. They claim that they are tired. They say they have troubles of their own.

Of course, they have, but usually the wife will listen with interest to the husband as he tells her his troubles. And very probably she will help him by sound suggestions.

The fact is that we are never to get over being human, kind, considerate, helpful. If people would remember the need to be loving in manner after marriage there would be greater happiness. Marriage is a mutual arrangement, an arrangement by which two people, a man and a woman, are to live together in the closest intimacy. They cannot do so if either is regardless of the other's comfort and welfare and happiness. The fire will go out. I do not expect people to like me if I treat them with indifference or discourtesy. Why should a husband expect to find a happy wife in a happy home if he acts with complete disregard of common courtesy?
