Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/87

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personal habits, or are unclean in body or mind. It is necessary for both men and women to see if these qualities exist in the one they have in mind as a possible mate.

Marriage may be a failure because a man is fickle, and sometimes because the woman is fickle.

We have already suggested that men sometimes marry a pretty face fancying it has character behind it. And sometimes women marry a man for his looks, or his masterful way. And dearly do they pay.

Too often women marry a man to reform him, and they practically never suceed. Unhappiness is almost certain.

Marriages are often failures because men neglect their wives when hard labor and child-bearing make them unattractive.

Marriages disappoint sometimes because selfish women resent children, or because selfish men resent them because of the curtailment of their comfort and freedom.

Marriages are often failures because people marry in haste. Time is an indispensable factor to investigate one's feelings and the character of the proposed mate. The provision by many states of the American Union to postpone marriages for a certain
