Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/78

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Some one here asks, Who will do the teaching? Will it be a teacher who has had no experience of marriage? Or someone who had had too much experience of an unfortunate kind?

Naturally it will require expert teaching by people who have trained as psychologists are trained to teach their special subject.

We have expert teachers of chemistry. Why not have expert teachers of marriage? The science of marriage is not unlike the science of chemistry, it is learning how to make proper combinations of people, and avoid improper combinations.

The trouble is that our educators have not yet thought seriously of the matter. It may take a few years yet to direct their thought to the problem. New ideas enter slowly into people's minds, even into the minds of educators. But they are making progress.

Is it possible to train the younger children to look forward to a happy marriage? Yes, I believe so, to a limited extent. How? By telling them how married partners should treat one another, what an important institution marriage is as the fountain from which all other relationships in life proceed, how marriage can be made happy, how necessary it is for married partners to treat each other with respect and consideration.
