Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/43

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a possible view later on to having children? Does not marriage unavoidably involve in thought and loving desire the purpose of children? Can it be entered upon in any other way than as involving children? The thought of children as blessing it ennobles it, gives it its true end, its heavenly fruit.

Shall we open wide the gates for easy sex relationships? Will it not be for the many who have strong sex-desire a strong incentive to try out sex relationship in a sordid way?

Wherever in human history marriage has been lightly regarded, and the marriage relationship easily dissolved, ruin has come quickly. Shall we invite a flood of debauchery?

Rather let us give the sanction of law and custom to marriage in order that it may be upheld. Lust is always ready to break it down. It respects nothing good or holy. It is the spirit of hell that would defile and destroy everything truly human.

Let us think soberly about marriage, and yet with joy, for it is the fountain of human delights if entered into with the spirit of true love, in a normal way, and for its biological purposes.

The failures in marriage are due to human nature. Let us not destroy marriage, but improve hu-
