Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/36

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bestiality and have our laws conform to the inherent law of our inner nature?

To change old laws and customs, frankly to meet modern demands in the matter of greater freedom in sex relationship, because people are not living up to the old ideals of marriage, would seem to be lowering our ideals to a degenerate age and would represent a descent into depravity. Can our civilization withstand such a lowering of standards?

As to the matter of morality in marriage, which seems to be involved in this discussion, morality is after all merely what has become established custom, the word "morals" is from the Latin "mores" and really means the manners and customs of a people.

But actually morality is based upon the highest ethical views of a people, their notions of right and wrong, of their duties to their fellowman and to God.

And so we are to think of the question of morality in marriage, not because of established custom only, but because of the factors of right and wrong, of order and disorder, of the harm done to individuals and to society by a disregard of its sacred and binding character, which are imbedded in marriage morals.

A man may live as a hermit, and get away with it, but as soon as he marries he becomes a social being and ceases to be able to live solely as an individ-

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