Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/30

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As a result of the attacks on marriage, we have many new ideas, many new plans to bring about happy marriages.

The advocates of new plans say that marriage is after all a gamble. One can never know whether the man or the woman is going to be happy. The only way to be sure is to try marriage out first with one, then with another, until the right mates are united. Then marriage will be as happy as the most ardent lovers could desire.

One of the new plans to remedy marital unhappiness is trial marriage, oftentimes for a definite term.

Another plan is companionate marriage, which is after all precisely the same thing as trial marriage, except that it is not for a definite term; it can be dissolved when mutually desired, provided there are no children.

The idea back of the whole matter is how to take the gamble out of monogamic marriage. For
