Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/25

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middle of the city street, or to run his automobile without regard to traffic laws, or to violate other city ordinances which provide for the common good; but there is an order in human life without which life is not protected and no individual can be allowed wantonly to break those laws.

John Jones feels the instinctive or primitive urge of love of the sex. Nothing else matters to him.

He does not realize that love of the sex is given by the Creator to lead finally to love of one of the sex, and thus to mating, for the sake of the continuance of the human race. He thinks of his particular love of the sex as meant only for his individual delight, purely a private affair.

Is he unlike the rest of us? One of the most difficult things for the individual to realize is the fact of his social obligation.

We sometimes think that we have no obligations to society. Perhaps we do not have the social obligation to attend parties, receptions, and other things provided largely by the womenfolks to secure contacts between eligible men and women who are eternally on the lookout for a suitable mate for themselves or daughters, but we can never escape the social bearing of our love affairs.

The precise form of the ceremony of marriage is not the important thing, but the fact of some form
