Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/151

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Someone asks: "Don't you think that love is blind?"

Yes, too often so. Many girls see in a young man their ideal. They do not see the qualities that really exist in him. They are blind to his defects and sometimes glaring faults. They see a hero instead of a very imperfect youth, often silly, often vain.

And young men are just as blind to girls they meet. They fail to see the obvious silliness and vanity of such girls, and even far worse faults. Other women could open their eyes. At the same time there is in true love often the power to see the really splendid qualities underneath the appearance.

A wife sometimes recognizes wonderful possibilities in her husband that other people do not see, and sometimes, like the sculptor working over the block of marble, is able to carve out a hero that others never suspected to exist.

Men when they attribute their success in things
