Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/144

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Here is another question: "Is a thoughtless husband really at heart unloving?"

By this question I understand that the "thoughtless husband" mentioned is one who tries to have his own way and gives little thought to the wife in his attitudes and actions. He thinks he ought to rule because husbands have always ruled, and have his way, or have been supposed to rule and have their way, and he does not really take anyone else into consideration in his decisions.

Of course, such a man is in the wrong. He is apt to appear to be a brute. If his actions were viewed in the light of common day and thought of without charity in the heart, he would often be condemned as cruel and cold and hard.

But someone wants to know if, in spite of such an appearance, it may not be that such a man is not necessarily unloving. In other words, he may be actually loving, even though he does not show it.
