Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/132

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Here is an interesting question: "Can you really know a person without living with him day in and day out?" "Is this a reason for companionate marriage?" The first part of the question reads: "Can we really know a person without living with him day in and day out." It is certain that daily contact with a person does give us a more intimate knowledge of him, but do we really know the great essentials of his character any better through daily contact.

It is said that no man is a hero to his valet, and yet many men are heroes, and others at least are capable of heroic actions. Is it just to try to picture Lincoln in a night shirt? There are garments and situations in which no one can appear heroic; but I contend that such knowledge of a person does not necessarily enable us to know him at all. To understand another's soul is to know him truly.

If a young woman were to see the man of her
